Saturday, December 3, 2011

Shopping: Nioxin and nail stuff

Shopping post! A few hours ago, I bought some things I needed and wanted. You can't have needs without the wants being right there egging you on to buy things.

Oh but before that, let me say that thanks to my job, my nails on my right hand are ruined. Yes, already. I'm not pleased. If you want to see, click below!

This makes me so sad :(

My poor nails. At this point, I think the only thing that can save my nails would be a UV coat. I work at a pet retail store so if it's not boxes messing up my nails then it's the freaking people that want fish all the time. Dipping my hands in water constantly does not work well when I'm trying to have nice nails.

Moving on to what I bought!

I bought the Nioxin kit for Scalp Recovery at the random salon at the mall I live near. I saw this at Ulta and I think it was $44.00 USD but at the random salon, it was $39.99 USD. My scalp has been driving me crazy lately which I'm guessing is due to the cold weather so I jumped on the chance to buy it. I'll do a review on it probably within the next week or two and then another one later on, since this is supposed to "cure" me of my dermatitis.

Next to the Nioxin box is a bottle of CND Toughen Up. When it's not nail polish falling off my nails, it's my nails breaking so very easily.

Another thing I'll review later on also. Unless it angers me early enough that I need to rant about how crappy it is or something.

Then at the random accessory filled store at the mall I live near, I got some nail art stripers and nail polishes.

Absolute! by Nicka K
I bought these colors specifically because I noticed the other day that I didn't have a plain red striper. The red one I had was glitter based. I'm pretty sure the white and black stripers I have are old too. But more to come about these at a later date.

And lastly, the nail polishes I bought by Kleancolor.

Sparkle sparkle
I like Kleancolor nail polishes. I own a few of them and they work rather nicely. There will be close ups of these later.

That is it for tonight. I'm tired and want to sleep. :P

As always, I bought all of this with my own money. Trust you'll know when I get free stuff sent to me!


  1. Bummer about the chipped nail polish!! I hate when that happens!!

    Festive colors, yay! I hope toughen up works! I need some supplements from my nails, too!

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