Friday, December 16, 2011


I'm still alive. It's just been because of the holidays that things have gotten a little crazy and I've been really tired lately. I am so not looking forward to next week at work because that is when the stores are starting their holiday hours. So instead of being opened until 9pm, we'll be opened until 10pm. I see nothing good coming out of this. The customers that will be coming in will be either idiot college students, not that I have anything aganist college students it's just that they ask the most idiotic questions and want to hold all the animals, or we're going to have drunk customers coming into the store.

Where I work is located next to a supermarket and a bunch of different kinds of eateries, most of which serve alcohol. Definitely not looking forward to that.

I should have a new nail art design posted tomorrow. I decided to sleep in today so I don't have enough time to do a nail design before work because my idea is going to be very time consuming. Even more so than the Christmas trees I did last week.

Here's a pretty picture of the Christmas tree at Epcot:

1 comment:

  1. The tree is so pretty! Oy, holiday hours bring nothing good...
