Monday, December 5, 2011

Cat Attack 2011

Roughly an hour ago, I was attacked by a cat that was originally trying to attack Beezee.

This damn dog.

We were walking around my apartment complex, went down a different little area, and the way was no where around. When I feel Beezee tugging, I look over and there is the cat on like its tippy-toes with its tail all poofed out hissing at the dog.

I'm dragging Beezee away from the cat but the cat wanted none of that anyway and freaking charged after Beezee! Thankfully, he wears a harness so it was easy to pull him up. I thought the cat was going to back away since Beezee wasn't on the ground and I was moving away slowly but no. The cat went after me!

Really cat? Did you have to come after me? Honestly, when the cat first charged at Beezee, the first thought in my head was "I can't afford another medical bill for the dog." Back in December 31, 2010, Beezee hurt his leg and on January 3rd or so, he had knee surgery which I'm still paying off. So last thing I needed was going to be an even bigger bill because the cat that is roughly larger than Beezee with sharp claws completely messed him up.

Beezee isn't a fighter so the cat definitely would have done major damage to him. Have you seen cats fight? It is not pretty.

So here are some pics. The wounds aren't that bad. I'm so glad that I decided to wear yoga pants outside instead of capris. I almost wore jeans but with my luck, the cat would have gotten stuck and that would have made things worse.

This is the back of my left knee.
This one stings the most.

I'm not sure if these are bite marks or claws.

Damn cat.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Was it a feral cat or does it have an owner?
