Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mail time: Kiss and Orabrush

Mail time!

I received two packages today! One that came through from Influencer and another that I ordered.

The one from Influencer was a prize for posting a review of the Kiss nail sticker and being chosen to get a prize pack from Kiss. Quick note, sorry for the blurry pics.

This look so spiffy. 

I'm excited about these! Can't wait to do some funky nail art with these!

 Now, this was the peculiar part of all of this. Whoever stuffed these envelopes, didn't bother sealing mine so I could have ended up with an empty envelope.

Next up thing that I got was my Orabrush! I had watched a Youtube video by Fashionista804 's biggest turn offs and she had mentioned this product. It looked interesting enough so I went to the site and got these two items for less than $10.
 They emerge from they box!

 I was hoping I would have gotten one of the colored ones but I got the regular blue one. 
I got this "free" but had to pay for shipping.

Then, the tongue foam was an extra $5 or so so I decided why not and got it also so I can use the Orabrush to its full potential! I'll be using it for the first time tonight. I'm excited.

Reviews on this will come at a later time. I should have a few other reviews coming within the days. I just have to get myself and my brain together!

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