Friday, November 25, 2011

Rushed casualty

It's the day after Thanksgiving and did I do any shopping today...nope. The stores did not have anything I really wanted and the thing I did want, a DSLR, none of the stores had any decent sales on them. I'll try again closer to Christmas.

However, I did manage to get new Color Club nail polishes! I found the sets at Burlington Coat Factory.

All about Reds and the Mistletoe collection

Back to Thanksgiving! I did do my nails...but I kind of rushed them.

So very rushed...look at those cuticles.
No, never mind, don't look that closely.
Then I had to get dressed and it's not like I was wearing anything too complicated but I had a casualty.

Sorry about the blurriness. 
I have no idea why it happened. I'm guessing the Color Club base coat I used probably wasn't really a base coat. It'd be nice if Color Club labeled their nail polishes, especially the top coats and base coats. So, at this moment in time, 7 out of 10 nails have missing polish on them. I've never had nail polish chip this quickly before. So disappointed because I really liked the way my nails had come out.

Better luck next time I guess. :\

All items in this blog was purchased by myself. Thank you.


  1. So seasonal! Where's the ferret?

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