Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Grooming items for Beezee!

The past few posts have been pretty much all about me and not enough about the dog. Today, I got something that will help me with grooming Beezee. Lately, whenever I bathe Beezee, I use my blow dryer to speed up his drying process and straighten out his fur. For some reason his fur is kind of wavy if I let him dry naturally.

I have been looking for a pet dryer since human blow dryers aren't good for animals but all of them are so expensive! At my job, the one we carry I think is around $80. Since they're so expensive, I have been looking around at like Ross, Target, Walmart, and a couple of other places that I know that sell dog grooming items to see if I could find something cheaper and I finally did!

Pet dryer!

I was so excited to find this! I have been using my personal one on the dog and it was a pain. It was starting to overheat and whatnot.

Back of the box
It's so nice and sleek looking. It has a low and high air setting. You can't change the temperature but there is a cool button on the back of the handle for when you get to sensitive areas on the dog, like the face and underbelly.

It's collapsible!
The dryer has a very long cord. It's all black as you can see in the pictures. It even comes with a concentrator! The dryer also comes with hands-free stand but I forgot to take a picture of it.

Cool button

Low-high setting

Oster Animal Care
I also got a brush to help with getting rid of some excess fur and to massage Beezee's skin.

Bright green so I can find it!
The bristles on the brush. 
 I can't wait to use these on Beezee when I bathe him again which will probably be soon.

Disclaimer: I most definitely bought all of this with my own money.

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