Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I've timeline'd myself

First, hey hey how's it going? I know I've been missing but once again, things have been crazy with work. In another week or so I'll explain.

Second, so I do this thing when I will "timeline." It's when I go and look up old pics of  either myself or other people I know that I have pictures of from over the years then I go through the pics to see the changes that people or myself have gone through. I mostly do it to bug my cousins lol.

Recently though I uploaded some old photos I found to Facebook and noticed the vast difference in weight that I have gone through since high school. So, I decided to make a collage!

I believe at my heaviest I weighed 177lbs which would be around the 2009-2010 pictures. Currently, I'm at 153lbs. I went down to 151 then back to 155 now 153. I need to stop eating crap I don't need to eat.

I do plan on doing a 30 day challenge that I found on Tumblr and will be posting blogs everyday for it. Force myself to put down what I eat here and on myfitnesspal too!

Well, until tomorrow!

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