Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Already failing

I'm already failing at the whole post a day thing. -__-

Anyway, I have pics of my dog's haircut! I don't like that he's got a Wolverine thing going on around his head.

Grr baby grrr

He's also a bit uneven in some spots. I like that the girl listened to me when I said not to cut too short since Beezee's a bit of a fatty at the moment but I have no idea what she was thinking with turning him into Wolverine.

Beezee has also been sleeping on his back a lot more lately...
He's silly.

But enough about him! I did some nail art designs today. Nothing fancy. I would post pics of them but my camera is pissing me off. I really need a new one. My current one is only 7.2 megapixels and I wish I would have had the money at the time to buy a completely new one when it broke but I could only afford to repair it. :\ I'm hoping sometime next month I'll be able to get a new one that is 14.1 megapixels. :)

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